Edward S Kraus, M.D.

Headshot of Edward S Kraus
  • Professor of Medicine

Languages: English, German


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Dr. 爱德华·克劳斯是医学系的医学教授, Division of Nephrology, 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的教授. 他在康奈尔大学完成了本科教育, 在西北大学获得医学博士学位,并在克利夫兰大都会综合医院完成内科住院医师, OH. 在巴尔的摩市医院完成肾脏病学奖学金后. 克劳斯自1981年以来一直是该学院的一员. 作为他临床职责的一部分,他在约翰霍普金斯大学的整个任期内都在照顾肾脏移植患者. 随着肾脏移植项目范围的扩大, 在过去的15年里,他的临床职责仅限于照顾肾脏和胰腺移植供体和受者. 他目前担任胰腺移植项目的高级肾移植肾病专家和医学主任. Dr. Kraus的兴趣集中在影响肾移植受者长期预后的因素和少数受者获得护理的障碍上. 他在病理学方面有广泛的研究,并参与了约翰霍普金斯大学不相容肾移植项目的发展,特别强调损伤模式的发展概念,目的是发展临床干预措施以保持同种异体移植功能.

Dr. 克劳斯是国家肾脏基金会的成员, 美国肾脏病学会, 国际肾脏病学会和美国移植学会. 他积极担任这些不同组织的委员会成员. 经他的推荐十大正规网赌平台提名, 学生和同行对他的临床护理和教学技巧的认可, Dr. 克劳斯被选入约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的米勒-库尔森临床卓越学院.

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  • Professor of Medicine

Departments / Divisions

Centers & Institutes



  • MD; Medicine; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (1975)


  • Internal Medicine; Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital (1978)


  • Nephrology; 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心 (1981)

Board Certifications

  • 美国内科医学委员会(内科)(1978年)
  • 美国内科医学委员会(肾脏病学)(1982)

Research & Publications

Selected Publications

  1. Serena Bagnasco; Edward Kraus; Banu Sis; Diagnostic criteria for kidney transplant rejection: a call to action. Lancet 2013;381(9876):1458. 2013 
  2. D Neofytos; K Kobayashi; C D Alonso; J Cady-Reh; D Lepley; M Harris; N Desai; E Kraus; A Subramanian; S Treadway; et al. Epidemiology, risk factors, 肾移植受者艰难梭菌感染及预后. 移植感染性疾病:移植学会杂志2013;15(2):134-41. 2013 
  3. L Ebony Boulware; Felicia Hill-Briggs; Edward S Kraus; J Keith Melancon; Brenda Falcone; Patti L Ephraim; Bernard G Jaar; Luis Gimenez; Michael Choi; Mikiko Senga; et al. 一项随机对照试验:教育和社会工作者干预激活患者讨论和追求先发制人的活体肾移植的有效性. 美国肾脏疾病杂志:国家肾脏基金会官方杂志2013;61(3):476-86. 2013 
  4. A Sharif; N Alachkar; E Kraus; Incompatible kidney transplantation: a brief overview of the past, present and future. 中华医学杂志:中华医学会杂志;2012;35 (12):1145 - 1145. 2012 
  5. Adnan Sharif; Nada Alachkar; Serena Bagnasco; Duvuru Geetha; Gaurav Gupta; Karl Womer; Lois Arend; Lorraine Racusen; Robert Montgomery; Edward Kraus; Incidence and outcomes of BK virus allograft nephropathy among ABO- and HLA-incompatible kidney transplant recipients. 临床肾脏病杂志:CJASN 2012;7(8):1320-7. 2012 
  6. Adnan Sharif; Andrea A Zachary; Janet Hiller; Dorry Segev; Nada Alachkar; Edward S Kraus; Niraj M Desai; Nabil N Dagher; Andrew L Singer; Robert A Montgomery; Rescue kidney paired donation as emergency salvage for failed desensitization. 移植2012;93 (7):e27-9. 2012
  7. C B Drachenberg; J R Torrealba; B J Nankivell; E B Rangel; I M Bajema; D U Kim; L Arend; E R Bracamonte; J S Bromberg; J A Bruijn; et al. 胰腺同种异体移植中抗体介导排斥反应的诊断指南——更新的Banff分级方案. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科医生学会官方杂志2011;11(9):1792-802. 2011 
  8. Robert A Montgomery; Bonnie E Lonze; Karen E King; Edward S Kraus; Lauren M Kucirka; Jayme E Locke; Daniel S Warren; Christopher E Simpkins; Nabil N Dagher; Andrew L Singer; et al. hla不相容肾受者的脱敏与生存. 新英格兰医学杂志2011;365(4):318-26. 2011 
  9. L Ebony Boulware; Felicia Hill-Briggs; Edward S Kraus; J Keith Melancon; Mikiko Senga; Kira E Evans; Misty U Troll; Patti Ephraim; Bernard G Jaar; Donna I Myers; et al. 识别和解决非洲裔美国人和非非洲裔美国人家庭讨论先发制人的活体相关肾脏移植的障碍. 移植的进展(Aliso Viejo, Calif ..) 2011;21(2):97-104; quiz 105. 2011 
  10. L Ebony Boulware; Felicia Hill-Briggs; Edward S Kraus; J Keith Melancon; Raquel McGuire; Bobbie Bonhage; Mikiko Senga; Patti Ephraim; Kira E Evans; Brenda Falcone; et al. 文化敏感干预改善非裔美国人和非裔美国人早期认知的随机对照试验方案, shared, 以及对活体肾移植的知情考虑:谈论活体肾捐赠(TALK)研究. BMC nephrology 2011;12():34. 2011 
  11. N Alachkar; R Ugarte; E Huang; K L Womer; R Montgomery; E Kraus; H Rabb; Stem cell factor, interleukin-16, 白细胞介素-2受体α是延迟和缓慢移植物功能的预测性生物标志物. 移植学报;2010;42(9):3399-405. 2010 
  12. Duvuru Geetha; Mark Haas; Edward S Kraus; Hamid Rabb; Philip Seo; Renal transplant in Wegener's granulomatosis compared to microscopic polyangiitis. 中国风湿病杂志;2010;37(8):1705-8. 2010 
  13. B Sis; M Mengel; M Haas; R B Colvin; P F Halloran; L C Racusen; K Solez; W M Baldwin; E R Bracamonte; V Broecker; et al. Banff '09会议报告:抗体介导的移植物恶化和Banff工作组的实施. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2010;10(3):464-71. 2010 
  14. E S Kraus; R S Parekh; P Oberai; D Lepley; D L Segev; S Bagnasco; V Collins; M Leffell; D Lucas; H Rabb; et al. 稳定阳性交叉配型肾移植患者的亚临床排斥反应:发生率和相关性. American journal of transplantation: American Society of transplantation and American Society of transplantation Surgeons; 2009;9(8):1826-34. 2009 
  15. Robert A Montgomery; Jayme E Locke; Karen E King; Dorry L Segev; Daniel S Warren; Edward S Kraus; Matthew Cooper; Christopher E Simpkins; Andrew L Singer; Zoe A Stewart; et al. ABO血型不相容肾移植:准备广泛实施的范例. 移植2009;87 (8):1246 - 55. 2009 
  16. Serena M Bagnasco; Basim S Mohammed; Haresh Mani; Maria Teresa Gandolfo; Mark Haas; Lorraine C Racusen; Robert A Montgomery; Edward Kraus; Oxalate deposits in biopsies from native and transplanted kidneys, 以及对移植物功能的影响. Nephrology, dialysis, 移植:欧洲透析和移植协会官方出版物-欧洲肾脏协会2009;24(4):1319-25. 2009 
  17. Edmund Huang; Millie Samaniego-Picota; Thomas McCune; Joseph K Melancon; Robert A Montgomery; Richard Ugarte; Edward Kraus; Karl Womer; Hamid Rabb; Terry Watnick; DNA testing for live kidney donors at risk for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. 移植2009;87 (1):133 - 7. 2009 
  18. Mark Haas; Dorry L Segev; Lorraine C Racusen; Serena M Bagnasco; Jayme E Locke; Daniel S Warren; Christopher E Simpkins; Diane Lepley; Karen E King; Edward S Kraus; et al. 无排斥反应的C4d沉积与abo血型不相容肾移植早期瘢痕减少相关. 美国肾脏学会杂志:JASN 2009;20(1):197-204. 2009 
  19. J E Locke; C M Magro; A L Singer; D L Segev; M Haas; A T Hillel; K E King; E Kraus; L M Lees; J K Melancon; et al. 利用抗体补体C5蛋白挽救严重抗体介导的排斥反应. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2009;9(1):231-5. 2009 
  20. K Solez; R B Colvin; L C Racusen; M Haas; B Sis; M Mengel; P F Halloran; W Baldwin; G Banfi; A B Collins; et al. Banff 07肾移植病理分类:最新进展和未来发展方向. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2008;8(4):753-60. 2008 
  21. Mark Haas; Dorry L Segev; Lorraine C Racusen; Serena M Bagnasco; J Keith Melancon; Miguel Tan; Edward S Kraus; Hamid Rabb; Richard M Ugarte; James F Burdick; et al. 健康活体供者肾脏动脉硬化:围手术期楔形和针芯活检的比较. Archives of pathology & 检验医学2008;32(1):37-42. 2008 
  22. S M Bagnasco; W Tsai; M H Rahman; E S Kraus; L Barisoni; R Vega; L C Racusen; M Haas; B S Mohammed; A A Zachary; et al. 伴有急性细胞排斥反应的同种异体肾移植活检中cd20阳性浸润与较差的移植物存活无关. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2007;7(8):1968-73. 2007 
  23. M Haas; R A Montgomery; D L Segev; M H Rahman; L C Racusen; S M Bagnasco; C E Simpkins; D S Warren; D Lepley; A A Zachary; et al. 交叉配型阳性肾移植的亚临床急性抗体介导排斥反应. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2007;7(3):576-85. 2007 
  24. T K Mehta; M O Hoque; R Ugarte; M H Rahman; E Kraus; R Montgomery; K Melancon; D Sidransky; H Rabb; Quantitative detection of promoter hypermethylation as a biomarker of acute kidney injury during transplantation. 移植学报;2006;38(10):3420-6. 2006 
  25. M Haas; M H Rahman; L C Racusen; E S Kraus; S M Bagnasco; D L Segev; C E Simpkins; D S Warren; K E King; A A Zachary; et al. ABO-和hla不相容肾移植的活检C4d和C3d染色:与组织学表现的相关性. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2006;6(8):1829-40. 2006 
  26. Mark Haas; Hamid Rabb; Edward S Kraus; Long-term outcome of renal transplantation from older donors. The New England journal of medicine 2006;354(19):2071-4; author reply 2071-4. 2006 
  27. Edward Kraus; Hamid Rabb; EPO therapy during acute kidney disease: to use or not to use, that is the question. 美国肾脏疾病杂志:国家肾脏基金会官方杂志2005;46(5):967-9. 2005 
  28. Robert A Montgomery; Andrea A Zachary; Lloyd E Ratner; Dorry L Segev; Janet M Hiller; Julie Houp; Mathew Cooper; Louis Kavoussi; Thomas Jarrett; James Burdick; et al. 肾配对捐献移植不相容活肾的临床结果. JAMA:美国医学协会杂志2005;294(13):1655-63. 2005 
  29. Richard Ugarte; Edward Kraus; Robert A Montgomery; James F Burdick; Lloyd Ratner; Mark Haas; Alan M Hawxby; Seth J Karp; Excellent outcomes after transplantation of deceased donor kidneys with high terminal creatinine and mild pathologic lesions. 移植2005;80 (6):794 - 800. 2005 
  30. Jean Wu; Bernard G Jaar; William A Briggs; Michael J Choi; Edward S Kraus; Lorraine C Racusen; Mohamed G Atta; Milagros D Samaniego; High-dose mycophenolate mofetil in the treatment of posttransplant glomerular disease in the allograft: a case series. Nephron. 临床实践2004;98(3):61-6. 2004 
  31. Christopher J Sonnenday; Matthew Cooper; Edward Kraus; Fred Gage; Christopher Handley; Robert A Montgomery; The hazards of basing acceptance of cadaveric renal allografts on pulsatile perfusion parameters alone. 移植2003;75(12):2029 - 33所示. 2003 
  32. Ernesto P Molmenti; Peter A Pinto; Robert A Montgomery; Li-Ming Su; Edward Kraus; Matthew Cooper; Christopher J Sonnenday; Andrew S Klein; Louis R Kavoussi; Lloyd E Ratner; Concomitant surgery with laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy. 美国移植杂志:美国移植学会和美国移植外科学会官方杂志2003;3(2):219-23. 2003 
  33. Robert A Montgomery; Matthew Cooper; Edward Kraus; Hamid Rabb; Milagros Samaniego; Christopher E Simpkins; Christopher J Sonnenday; Richard M Ugarte; Daniel S Warren; Andrea A Zachary; Renal transplantation at the Johns Hopkins 综合移植中心. 临床移植2003;(1):1 - 3. 2003 
  34. Jordan P Steinberg; Rene L Galindo; Edward S Kraus; Khalil G Ghanem; Disseminated acanthamebiasis in a renal transplant recipient with osteomyelitis and cutaneous lesions: case report and literature review. 临床传染病:美国传染病学会2002年正式出版物;35(5):e43-9. 2002
  35. C J Sonnenday; L E Ratner; A A Zachary; J F Burdick; M D Samaniego; E Kraus; D S Warren; R A Montgomery; Preemptive therapy with plasmapheresis/intravenous immunoglobulin allows successful live donor renal transplantation in patients with a positive cross-match. 移植杂志2002;34(5):1614-6. 2002 
  36. Mark Haas; Edward S Kraus; Milagros Samaniego-Picota; Lorraine C Racusen; Wen Ni; Joseph A Eustace; Acute renal allograft rejection with intimal arteritis: histologic predictors of response to therapy and graft survival. 肾脏国际2002;61(4):1516-26. 2002 
  37. H P Tan; M D Samaniego; R A Montgomery; J F Burdick; W R Maley; E S Kraus; L E Ratner; Donor horseshoe kidneys for transplantation. 移植2001;72 (5):869 - 73. 2001 
  38. M S Leffell; E Kraus; L C Racusen; L E Ratner; D Charney; A A Zachary; Effect of Bw4 and Bw6 epitope mismatches on antibody production, acute and chronic rejection, 以及同种异体肾移植的存活率. 移植2001;72 (3):433 - 7. 2001 
  39. F Kouli; C H Morrell; L E Ratner; E S Kraus; Impact of donor/recipient traits independent of rejection on long-term renal function. 美国肾脏疾病杂志:国家肾脏基金会官方杂志2001;37(2):356-65. 2001 
  40. D Geetha; J B Zachary; H M Baldado; J D Kronz; E S Kraus; Pure red cell aplasia caused by Parvovirus B19 infection in solid organ transplant recipients: a case report and review of literature. 临床移植2000;14(6):586-91. 2000
  41. A K Mandal; E S Kraus; M Samaniego; R Rai; S L Humphreys; L E Ratner; W R Maley; J F Burdick; Shorter waiting times for hepatitis C virus seropositive recipients of cadaveric renal allografts from hepatitis C virus seropositive donors. 临床移植2000;14(4 Pt 2):391-6. 2000 
  42. L E Ratner; R A Montgomery; W R Maley; C Cohen; J Burdick; K D Chavin; D S Kittur; P Colombani; A Klein; E S Kraus; et al. 腹腔镜活体供肾切除术:受者. 移植2000;69(11):2319 - 23所示. 2000 
  43. L V Hofmann; P A Smith; B S Kuszyk; E Kraus; E K Fishman; Three-dimensional helical CT angiography in renal transplant recipients: a new problem-solving tool. AJR. 美国放射学杂志1999;17 (4):1085-9. 1999 
  44. L E Ratner; F G Cigarroa; J S Bender; T Magnuson; E S Kraus; Transplantation of single and paired pediatric kidneys into adult recipients. 美国外科医师学会杂志1997;185(5):437-45. 1997 
  45. L E Ratner; E Kraus; T Magnuson; J S Bender; Transplantation of kidneys from expanded criteria donors. Surgery 1996;119(4):372-7. 1996 
  46. E S Kraus; L Cheng; I Sikorski; D A Spector; Effect of phosphorus restriction on renal response to oral and intravenous protein loads in rats. 美国生理学杂志1993;264(4 Pt 2):F752-9. 1993 
  47. E Kraus; D Teller; L Cheng; G Briefel; B Sacktor; D Spector; Early effects of subtotal nephrectomy and food restriction on urinary calcium in the rat. 矿物质和电解质代谢1990;16(4):202-9. 1990 
  48. L Cheng; C Dersch; E Kraus; B Sacktor; Calcium and renal adaptation to a phosphate load in the thyroparathyroidectomized rat. 美国生理学杂志1986;251(5 Pt 2):F777-83. 1986 
  49. E Kraus; G Briefel; L Cheng; B Sacktor; D Spector; Phosphate excretion in uremic rats: effects of parathyroidectomy and phosphate restriction. 美国生理学杂志1985;248(2 Pt 2):F175-82. 1985 
  50. B S Bender; J L Curtis; J E Nagel; F J Chrest; E S Kraus; G R Briefel; W H Adler; Analysis of immune status of hemodialyzed adults: association with prior transfusions. 国际肾脏杂志1984;26(4):436-43. 1984 
  51. L Cheng; C Dersch; E Kraus; D Spector; B Sacktor; Renal adaptation to phosphate load in the acutely thyroparathyroidectomized rat: rapid alteration in brush border membrane phosphate transport. 美国生理学杂志1984;246(4页2):F488-94. 1984 
  52. E S Kraus; D A Spector; Characteristics and sequelae of peritonitis in diabetics and nondiabetics receiving chronic intermittent peritoneal dialysis. Medicine 1983;62(1):52-7. 1983 

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  • 美国移植学会
  • 国际肾脏病学会
  • National Kidney Foundation

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  • 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心米勒-库尔森临床卓越研究院

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